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New York’s Dedicated Awning and Shade Provider

Capitol Awning Co is one of the oldest fabric companies in the U.S. We’re a family-owned and operated company that’s proudly served home and business owners since 1947. We design, manufacture, and install the highest quality canopies, pergolas, and awnings in New York City. Our design and fabrication team has won numerous awards for their hard work, craft, and dedication. Though we’ve grown throughout the years, our commitment to customer satisfaction and innovative products has remained the same.

awning in back porch

Why Choose Us

Home and business owners choose us because we are dedicated to excellent customer service and satisfaction. Here’s what you can expect from us during the cover development and installation process:

  • Generations of Service: We’ve proudly served the city of New York for over 70 years.
  • In-House Process: From design to installation, every step in the process is fulfilled by our team.
  • Top-Tier Quality: We design and manufacture our covers with the best materials and install products from leading brands.
  • Family-Owned and Operated.
  • Franchise Specialists Unrivalled Commercial Awnings Specialists.

The Most Trusted Team for the Job

At Capitol Awning Co, we are committed to our work and treat every job with seriousness and dedication. We conduct every design and installation with the following:

Cutting-Edge Equipment

We use the latest and greatest technology, materials, and fabrics to manufacture and implement top-quality covers.

Skilled Professionals

Our team members have years of experience and training and continuously improve their craft.

A Passionate Team

We put all our effort and best work into every service and product we provide.

Where Customer Satisfaction Is a Top Priority

We credit our success to our customers and their continuous support over the last seven decades. We are thankful for them and the growth we’ve been able to achieve. That’s why we go above and beyond for each service and do so with enthusiasm and joy. We’ll work as hard and diligently as you do for your home or business and create the perfect cover for your needs. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you have regarding our services. We’d love to meet you!

Have a Design Idea? Help Make It a Reality!