How To Clean And Maintain Your Awning?

Professional awnings installation is the first step toward ensuring your awnings and canopies get off to a strong start. That’s “strong” in a literal sense, because if your awnings aren’t secure they’re at risk to become damaged as they are exposed to the weather and other “everyday living” conditions.

Professional awnings installation also gives you peace of mind. If your awnings aren’t sturdy and secure, they could injure people or damage property underneath them. That’s why it is so important not to undertake installation yourself.

Clean awnings last longer and look better.

Once your professional awnings installation is complete, there are a few things you should do to keep them clean and well-maintained, because professional awnings installation can give you many assurances, but it cannot control your environment.

Your awning may have to cope with bird droppings, chewing gum, greasy vehicle exhaust buildup, rust stains from dripping pipes or building runoff, mold and mildew, wet or dried paint drops from a building renovation project where workers weren’t as scrupulously careful as they should have been, tree sap and more.

Most of today’s awning fabrics are highly resistant to stains, mildew, etc. However, if you allow leaves or other debris to accumulate, that can cause stains and retain moisture that encourages mold and mildew.

So give your awning a regular light cleaning:

  • Brush off loose dirt, then rinse your awning with a hose.
  • Mix a mild detergent like Dawn dishwashing liquid or Woolite with cold or lukewarm water, and use a soft cloth or soft bristle brush to wash the awning’s surfaces.
  • Rinse completely and allow your awning to air dry.
  • Never use hot water or dry heat on your awning.

Some awning fabrics may need to be retreated after cleaning, if they have special coatings.

Depending on the materials used to construct your awning, where your professional awnings installation is located and what sort of “dirt” you need to remove, you may require special techniques and products to clean your awning. Well-known awning fabric manufacturer Sunbrella® says you can also use a product called Carbona Stain Devil, which comes in nine different formulas designed specifically for different types of stains.

If you don’t keep your awning free of dirt and debris and give it a light cleaning regularly, it will get to the point where it needs more vigorous cleaning. The harsher scrubbing and/or products needed to perform that type of cleaning are more likely to weaken or damage your awning fabric’s surface.

You may be able to clean your own awning, but as with professional awnings installation, sometimes it’s better to call an expert. Some professional awnings installation companies also provide cleaning services. And there are companies that specialize in cleaning commercial awnings. Look for choose a company with experience in working with your type of professional awnings installation as well as your specific fabric brand. Or, better yet, consult your commercial awning company for their recommendation on who to call for help.

Regular inspection helps head off expensive repairs.

Salty air, gritty sand, heavy winds and snow can create extra challenges, even with professional awnings installation. As you clean your awnings, look closely to see if anything is amiss – small worn spots where fabric may be rubbing against the frame, or scratches that could turn into tiny tears, etc. As your awning ages, examine the stitching or seals to be sure nothing is pulling loose.

Small problems can usually be fixed right in place, which is faster and considerably less expensive than ignored problems that escalate into major damage.

Even when you use professional awnings installation, it can be a tough life for commercial awnings – continually exposed to harsh weather and other potentially damaging conditions. But if you do your part to perform regular cleaning and light maintenance, your awnings will continue to look good and remain trouble-free throughout the years.